Can You Get a Degree In Theater Online?

Theater DegreeDid you know that you could earn a degree in theater online? Instead of spending your days rushing from class to class and trying to find room in your busy schedule for a night out with your friends or family, you can enjoy the freedom of taking all your required classes online and gaining the skills that will turn you into a well-rounded expert in theater. While these programs might not prepare you for a life on stage or in front of the camera, the programs can give you skills in production, editing and design.

Types of Theater Degrees

Do you dream of leading others and helping them improve their acting skills? Do you want to work with students of different ages and in a variety of settings? Some of the degrees available online are theater education degrees that provide you with a solid background of the skills needed to teach and lead others. You’ll also find similar programs designed for music teachers. Others will prefer a degree in theater online that focuses on an area of directing, producing, editing or screenwriting.

Benefits of Online Theater Programs

You already know that online theater programs give you more free time, but did you know that those programs also give you experience with some of the top software now available? A traditional face-to-face program might only require that you use that software in a handful of classes or only under the guidance of a professor. With online programs, you can use editing, directing and other types of software to make your own short films and animated productions. You’ll also learn more about what goes on behind the scenes of your favorite films, stage productions and television shows, which will help you decide what you want to do in the future.

Required Online Classes

While online theater programs often vary in terms of the classes you take, there are some basic courses that all students take. A communications course teaches you more about how people talk and communicate with others, which can help you gain more self-confidence and the ability to speak in front of large groups. You’ll also take classes that teach you how to use different forms of directing methods and what producers do. Some programs also include acting classes and require that you film your work and upload it for your class to view.

Choosing a Theater Program

According to US News and World Report, author Kelsey Sheehy suggests that students look at the accreditation of a school and its curriculum before applying. When you get a degree in theater online, you want to know if the courses you take will transfer to other schools later. Sheehy also recommends that students look closely at the type of support services offered. A good theater program should pair you with an adviser you can turn to throughout the program and offer assistance with finding a job after you graduate. You might also want to look at the classes offered to make sure that you’ll learn skills you don’t already possess in that program.

Related Resource: Online Art Degree

Theater majors can work in front of or behind the scenes of productions, and those majors can also foster a love of theater in other students later. You can get a degree in theater online, but you want to look closely at what the school offers and what you will get out of that program.